02:16 XBOX 360 Xbox 360 Glitch Forever sthetixMay 29, 2017 December 17, 2020 This short video will show you how to determine a dead Xbox 360 Slim XCGPU by looking at its glitch cycle. Normally, a good glitch s... 010.7K637
03:03 XBOX 360 How to repair false Xbox 360 Slim Corona Overheating sthetixApril 26, 2017 December 17, 2020 When you see the Xbox 360 Slim Corona CPU or GPU temperature rising so quick or stays at about 70 up to 80 degree Celsius right afte... 076.8K67971
03:35 XBOX 360 How to repair Xbox 360 Slim Trinity with No HDMI video signal sthetixMarch 22, 2017 December 17, 2020 When your Xbox 360 Slim Trinity or Xbox 360 Phat other than Xenons, lose the ability to display video using HDMI cable but in anothe... 052.9K33837
04:39 XBOX 360 Cleaning another dirty Xbox 360 Slim sthetixMarch 15, 2017 December 17, 2020 Another day, another dirty Xbox 360 Slim. This is my customer’s Xbox 360. I already knew that this one is dirty too, so i mana... 027.9K34136
04:17 XBOX 360 How to repair Xbox 360 wireless controller that often disconnecting by fixing the battery cover. sthetixMarch 2, 2017 December 17, 2020 Does your Xbox 360 wireless controller often disconnect? It is usually caused by bad connection inside the battery cover. The batter... 043K37828
00:08 XBOX 360 sthetix sthetixOctober 20, 2012 December 17, 2020 Custom Bootanimation with Fakeanim 0.60b on JTAG console. Credit to BioHazard, cOz, MaesterRo -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “H... 014.1K360
00:58 XBOX 360 How to repair Xbox 360 USB Port Window sthetixFebruary 10, 2011 December 17, 2020 If your Xbox 360 USB port window broken, and the pin that holds a spring coil is broken too, just dont loose the spring coil, you wi... 027.4K4811