02:16 XBOX 360 Xbox 360 Glitch Forever sthetixMay 29, 2017 December 17, 2020 This short video will show you how to determine a dead Xbox 360 Slim XCGPU by looking at its glitch cycle. Normally, a good glitch s... 010.7K637
07:20 XBOX ONE Xbox One S Controller (v3) Review – Teardown – Assembly sthetixMarch 29, 2017 December 17, 2020 This video will show you how the new Xbox One controller V3 (the one with Bluetooth technology) looks. You can see the differences w... 025.5K20727
04:48 3DS How to dump Nintendo 2DS NAND ( 2DS Hardmod Guide) sthetixMarch 13, 2017 December 17, 2020 This video will show you how to dump Nintendo 2DS NAND using hardmod method. This is usually effective if you are afraid to brick yo... 016.6K10315
01:59 XBOX ONE How to read / dump Xbox One NAND sthetixMarch 6, 2015 December 17, 2020 This is nothing to do with hacking. It is just a method to read or dump the NAND only. What you need : 1. SD Card adapter 2. USB ... 025.8K1294