12:46 NH3DS INSTALLING LUMA3DS WITH THE NEW BROWSERHAX XL IN 2021 sthetixApril 16, 2021 April 16, 2021 You can install the Luma3DS easily using the updated version of the Browserhax XL. It is now compatible with the OLD 3DS and the NEW... 03.2K20
18:51 NH3DS Installing LUMA3DS EVEN EASIER with BANNERBOMB3 and UNSAFE MODE on 11.14 ~ 2020 sthetixMay 5, 2020 December 17, 2020 This guide is for installing Luma3DS with the Bannerbomb3 method. This method is relatively easier than the on on PicHaxx + unSAFE m... 093K2.2K41