05:56 3DS How to play Nintendo DS Games on Nintendo 3DS using a flashcart sthetixOctober 31, 2017 December 17, 2020 This video will show you how to play any DS games on 3DS console. For this tutorial, you will need a flashcart, a micro sd card and... 057.6K51662
11:35 XBOX ONE How to run Retrix and PPSSPP on Xbox One sthetixJuly 19, 2017 December 17, 2020 Retrix is a RetroArch or Libretro port on Xbox One which is capable of running several retro games such as NES, GBA, PSX and much mo... 0120.1K1.1K69
04:40 3DS How to dump 3DS installed games and cartridge to CIA format sthetixMay 4, 2017 December 17, 2020 To follow this tutorial you must have a modded console which runs on custom firmware. You must also have FBI and GodMode9 installed.... 098.2K1.4K44