11:02 REVIEWS THE BANGGOOD GAMESIR T4 PRO : REVIEW AND USAGE sthetixSeptember 23, 2020 December 19, 2020 LINKS GameSir T4 Pro Game Controller: https://bit.ly/2FYoXL5 (code: BGGST4P $28.99 ) GameSir G4 Pro Game Controller: https://bit.ly/... 05.1K1204
02:58 3DS Use Xbox One Gamepad On 3DS (Luma3DS Input Redirection) sthetixJune 24, 2017 December 17, 2020 This video will show you how to use Xbox One wireless controller to control your 3DS. Any other gamepad works as long as it is detec... 058.8K84328
04:17 XBOX 360 How to repair Xbox 360 wireless controller that often disconnecting by fixing the battery cover. sthetixMarch 2, 2017 December 17, 2020 Does your Xbox 360 wireless controller often disconnect? It is usually caused by bad connection inside the battery cover. The batter... 043K37828
01:27 XBOX 360 Xbox 360 Super Fake Wireless Controller sthetixJune 27, 2015 December 17, 2020 It is the first time I saw this type and it is bizarre. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “How to hack 2DS / 3DS with firmware 11.... 020.6K9419